I am currently in the exact same boat as you with car and parts at the machine shop. I also have been off from racing since June and wondered if I would really miss it that much if I just sold the car!
But deep down inside I realize that this stuff is in my blood and by your statement "Has this happened to you and how did you work past it?" leads me to believe that you really want to Work past it and continue with your passion and I think a lot of us need that PASSION in our lives. You need something to get you FIRED UP on weekends. Otherwise you will just be like every one else sitting on the couch watching football and getting fat.
Be patient,put everything back together and start back into it. At that point you will know if you should continue or not.That is what I am planning to do and am pretty sure that my passion will return.

And don't worry about getting old. One of the best racers at our track is 75 years old and just purchased his first dragster!!He is my HERO