

Great data. To make adjustments increase or decrease PSI to get temp even or the "slant of temp" even. As an example:
if you saw from inside to outside:


You have too much air in the tire.

A decrease in pressure by 2 psi would probably net you:


Further Decrease would get you to:


Which would be about on the money.

Lets say you see...


This would tell you the car is lacking camber and the outside of the tire needs to come in. A couple factors come in to see if you want to make the adjustment using static camber or caster.


Thanks for the reply! I'm with you on interpreting the temp data, but the data didn't fall in line as expected with the changes I made. Dropping the pressure didn't align the temperature readings, and hurt the performance.

Adding camber helped, but didn't entirely solve the issue.

I'm thinking I'm losing effective camber in a corner due to body roll. The roll couple is close, but I don't think the front roll bar is coming into play early enough to combat the roll. Thoughts?


A couple factors come in to see if you want to make the adjustment using static camber or caster.

I'd love to hear more on this...

I'm sure you would..there is a reason I get paid a lot of money to help people set up their cars for the track. And my cars are always on the podium

To be honest, I'd have to drive the car. Steve has a great suggestion on checking your roll rates. How is the steering (responsiveness/under/over) on the car?