Re: the Bilsteins, it's hard to put into words without using a cliche, but most accurate would be to say the ride is more "controlled".

My Swinger was upgraded to .890 torsion bars during the suspension rebuild 10 years ago. The KYB's went on at that time, and I lowered the ride height around 2". The ride was certainly stiffer than it was with the stock slant six torsion bars, but it also crashed over bumps and yet wallowed through dips in the road. Maybe the ride height was too low for the KYB's to work properly. I just know I was never pleased with the results.

I added 18" rims and 45 series tires last year, and it had little effect on ride quality for better or worse.

The Bilsteins I bought are spec'd for a 2" lower ride height. The ride is firm but not harsh, and no more wallowing. Ride quality and overall control feels a LOT like a modern car.

And all this is just with the front. I have 6-leaf Espos in back, but I've never replaced the shocks. Hope to soon, though...
