So- I haven't been back here in nearly a week. Initially, I was just giving myself a little cool down time after reading MuscleMike's 'response.' Then work, life and Monster Mopar Weekend came in, but I finally found time to get back to this thread.

Without further ado, on with the show...


If it was as messed up as Mark says then I would have had a shpping company pick it up correct it and then sent it back no charge.


I can't fix it if I don’t know about it.


Next thing I know I get a bill for $5000. A lot of you out there I know are in business. Let me ask you a question: if you do something, and something goes wrong, you are responsible correct? But isn't the customers responsibility to bring it back to you to fix it?

Fact is, I gave MM the opportunity to do exactly that. I called MM the day after the disappointing dyno session here, and I was told by Eric to 'get the engine re-built to expectations, and send (him) a bill for any out-of-pocket expenses.' It was at this point that I had my guy go to work on it. I was a little pressed for time since my projected October completion by MM was delayed 4 extra months and we were attending Mopar’s at The Strip (which we did attend with the repaired/re-dyno’ed version of the Road Runner)

The total for the repair work was $4,849.50, and it included labor, machining, and parts to repair the motor. I faxed a letter explaining in detail everything above, as well as an itemized list of expenses.

After two weeks (and many phone calls) passed, I got a call from Eric. He told me he was putting a check in the mail for $3000 as 'good faith' money, claiming he and Mike would get together to work out the remaining balance of $1849.50.

I did receive the $3k check, but no other check ever appeared. Repeated phone calls to Muscle Motors always resulted in a myriad of excuses from Eric about Mike's unavailability. He was always gone, busy, on the phone, counting his money, etc.

I eventually tried to give Eric an out by suggesting that he utilize his status as an Indy dealer to apply the balance of $1849.50 as partial payment on a new pair of 440-1 heads from Indy. To restate that last sentence, I TRIED TO GET THEM TO TAKE MORE OF MY MONEY IN EXCHANGE FOR THEIR POOR WORKMANSHIP. But again, several more calls resulted in the same song and dance. Eric continued to tell me that he and Mike could not find time to talk about my situation. Was Mike out of the country at this time? Perhaps in a coma? Possibly kidnapped? The truth may never be known.

Eric continued to give me insufficient and unsatisfactory answers until he finally got fed up, told me I wouldn't receive anything else, and stopped taking my calls. The last call I made was fielded by the Muscle Motors answering machine. I stated my case a final time, and hung up.


I sent $3000 dollars in a effort to make it right but when you do not tell me you have major problems and then go somewhere else I don’t feel it is my obligation to pay someone else to do what we were responsible for.

I find it almost impossible to believe that after a total of over 50 phone calls, Eric had not/would not discuss any of the above with Mike. I, in good faith, notified Muscle Motors of the problems with my engine. Also in good faith, following Eric's directions, I rectified the situation locally and asked for recompense from MM. Despite numerous attempts, varied avenues, and a multitude of negotiations, pleadings and calls, I was kept wanting. The internet is evidently the only avenue I have left to find a reply of any type.

It's disappointing that I need to resort to airing a business matter such as this for the entire world to see, just to get a response. I guess that's just the world we live in today, though.

Thanks to all the guys on here voicing their opinion of the unfairness of the situation. It gives me hope that there are still some people in this business I haven’t met that aren’t out to rob me blind.