
Dave..THANKS for be-littling my el-cheapo little 440!!! I understand where you're coming from on the differences of parts..and cost of parts! But..if a motor is put together PROFESSIONALLY...do a PROFESSIONAL job!!! That's all I'm sayin'! DIDN'T CHECK CLEARANCES???...LUDICROUS!!

OK lets look at this in a different way.
MM builds a $20,000 engine, customer picks up says thankyou gives him a check and leaves.
A few days later the bank tells MM the checks clearances are TOO tight and won't cash
So he calls 30 times in 2 weeks and gets NO answer.
The customer accidently answers the phone and it's MM, he tells them he had no idea the check didn't clear , but don't worry he will make it right.

So would the customer be treated with KID GLOVES ON HERE or BY THE POLICE?? Don