


Mistakes happen,the best resolution is a fast resolution,to drag the issue out only gives both sides a chance to get bitterly piss at each other and as it drags on and others get involved the situation only gets worse.If one of our racers or customers have a problem then we have a problem.We get involved and work through the problem together and usually can determine if we were at fault or they created the problem,either way we resolve the issue together and usually come to a amicable settlement to retain a positive relationship and move on.While I was recuperating in the hospital the guys at BGR stepped up keep the shop operating and help keep our commitments to our racers and customers.At that time we were having issues with bad lifters and hurt cams.As soon as I was able,Donny,Lou,Chaz,Curt Jr and I delt with everyones issues,correcting each on a personal level.We were able to get some warranty help and took all the problem engines down to bare blocks and started over correcting every issue including new rings,bearings,oil pumps,gasket and what ever else needed.There were a few engines that never left the shop and we didn't want to chance more problems and remove the cam and lifter and installed replacements.Every lifter that we replaced was disassembled and cleaned and checked before use.I was a tough time for all of us at BGR and costly.I can honestly say that everyone that had issues understood and I never handed a single one a bill for anything.The amasing thing was each person that had a problem came directly to me an insisted the that we accept some payment for our efforts and I know that some slipped the guys some cash on the way through the show.We humbled ourselves and servived the ordeal and have retained each and everyone as customers today.As always respect those who keep you in business and you will always have them knocking on your door.BGR's philosophy,"our customers become our friends,our friends become our family"
The best thing to do from here is for each party to step back,reflect,regain each respect and confidence and come to an amicable resolution or settleup and move on.Life is too short.

Bob can you pass this letter along to indy?

that was actually funny tony

thats all it was meant to be Wedgie