
Everyone makes mistakes on both sides, we're all human, but to not get a call back as soon as the RED light goes on in the delivery room is uncalled for, literally.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
You're a business and you crank out $20,000 work.
NONE should bad. NONE!
Statistically impossible but if you want to play in the big boys arena, that ONE bad engine IS going to end up on the internet. Rightfully or NOT rightly so.
You let out one bad $20k engine and you're gonna pay.
Sorry. No sympathy for the shop. That engine went out the door. Too late. If it's 1 out of a 1000, then the bad pr will survive, but the internet brings out everybody that had a bad time...
Just saying, MM IS going to lose more than they save by insisting the amount they paid was more than fair. Eat the $$, MM. It's gonna cost ya.
Or is the hit going to put you over the edge because your finances are super shaky?

FWIW, I build my own. I screw up? Nobody's going to come bail my sorry-azz butt out finacially. The stakes are higher so the QC you put in are worth it.
Forty years. Never met a shop that owed up to replacing 100% a $20k shop to an individual. Foose? They'd be overnighting him TWO replacement engine.
IT's all about publicty.