Ok, I haven't really had much time lately to work on her but here's where I'm at. I wasn't thrilled with the results on this but I don't feel there's going to ever be a problem with the way it came out. I just for some reason didn't quite have the results I wanted. The other side should be a lot better now that I know what to do. Like I've said, this is my first whack at a project like this and I'm learning as I go.
So I seem to have put these in here in reverse order but If you start with the last pic and work up, it'll make more sense.
Another after glaze and blocking.

After glaze and blocking. It came out really good.

Another shot of the void.

After all that adjusting and welding, I had a bit of a void. I measured a max depth of a little less than an 1/8 inch. I probably didn't really need to but I used fiber hair filler here before hitting it with glaze just to make sure I wouldn't have problems in the future.

All ground smooth and ready to start with the filler work. There's a small spot here that I blew through with the grinder but I welded it shut and ground it smooth again.

All welded in and ready for grinding.

I cut a strip of metal to weld in so I wouldn't have to deal with lead or the possibility of filler cracking and falling out in the future. Here it is tacked in place ready for welding.

Another shot.

I must have been sleeping when I welded this spot together 'cause my elevations weren't quite right and I didn't notice 'till now. So, here we go again with sectioning, tweaking and welding it all back together.