OK, so it gets a little hairy here for a while. The Goodmark quarters and dutchman panel left me with quite a bit of work. I reallize they aren't OEM but I somehow expected a little bit better fit. I think that knowing what I know now I would have gently removed the stock panels, repaired them and reinstalled them. I don't know if AMD panels would have fit better but I know these required TONS of work.
So I got them all clamped in place and plug welded the jams, massaging as I went, and that part went pretty smooth. I also welded the wheel house and roof pillar also making some adjustments along the way and I'll have to section the quarters where they meet the vertical portion of the rear window channel as they weren't quite wide enough to make the distance.
I knew I was in for some work in the trunk gap area as even when the quarters were on the floor it was pretty obvious that the line on the inside gutter area was wavy and again not wide enough to make for a decent trunk lid to quarter gap.
So, using an AMD deck lid, I found things to be further out than I had originally suspected. The deck lid was beautiful and was very straight and square. When I installed it to get an idea of where I was, the lid sat pretty high above the quarters. I figured maybe this was normal so I got out the old Harbor Freight Port-A-Power and got to pushing things into shape. I had to be careful not to go too far because I still had to widen the tops of the quarters to get my gaps to look right.
Ok, here's some pics and I'll try to be as clear as possible as we go through this. If you need more detail, let me know and I'll try to explain better and might have more pics to make it more clear.
Again, thank you for your interest and patience and I hope this helps someone somehow.

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