

You are selling them a pig with lipstick. Spectators won't buy it.

I respect your opinion and the right to have one but it's only an opinion and not based on facts.With ten years of experience to draw from I can tell a completely different story.
Come watch me make 8.50 passes with my p/glide. I am the only original high dollar pro stock car that I know in the country that does that.then come back to the pits when the crowd gathers.Talk to the people and the first comment always is how great it was and the feelings it gave them to see a piece of history making full out runs. Seldom if any fans even notice the trans choice or make comments about the trans . when told why I run the p/g not once have a heard a negative remark. the trans choice issue is far overwelmed by the satisfaction of seeing the car again.Fans want to see the actual cars race. Replacement drivelines are immaterial

Fred, i respect your opinion also but I also know that people like to see a person drive and actually shift a race car. Not just stage, put your thumb on a button and floor it, release the button and off you go letting the MSD do the calculated shifting. I won't get into the throttle stop class that most people don't understand and think it's just stupid. I've had people come up to me after a run and say it was worth the price of admission to watch a 4-speed car and a person who can shift go down the track and i don't have a old pro stock car or even a good looking car. I vote for no automatics

it's ok to butt heads, just don't do it with a butthead