
... All I need is a 3rd pedal and I'm ready, I wont run this class with an automatic. And if we are ERA specific NO TRANS BRAKES/TWO STEPS. Make them sound like real race cars.

Right on, Herb !
The class will be a flop if automatics are allowed.
Just a glorified bracket race is exactly what you will get-boring. No body cares. You've waited 15 years to get this nostalgia pro stock thing rolling and you immediately ruin it. THE reason the early pro stocks were so popular? They were the ultimate stick shift car. I beg of you, don't do this. It will be a fatal mistake, I promise.
I think the idea is a great one and hope it is a wild success, and it can be,if done correctly.
Good luck !



Last edited by mloboda; 05/15/09 03:35 PM.