THEY are serious bracket racers and the tracks that they frequent. All the big money events are run 1/8 mile. Local tracks here often run Super Pro on the 1/8 and everyone else 1/4. PDRA is 1/8. No lack of excitement there. I've always run 1/4 mile NHRA stuff. Some of what we did was on the 1/8. Kind of hard to run both with one car and jump back and forth. So, 1/8 has become the standard it seems.

Frankly, I'm glad there's choices. More tracks, more racers spending money and paying bills, more options for every level of racer. A number of things I'd like to be involved in, and plenty of stuff I have no interest in, but I'm glad that someone is and they're participating. Why are we complaining about having options? You should be glad - and hoping some of these kids put down their phone and take an interest in some of them.

If the results don't match the theory, change the theory.