Originally Posted By LSP
Originally Posted By cudaman1969
Originally Posted By LSP
Grasshopper may be younger than you, but is no spring chicken.....Kwai Chang Kane been involved in Super Stock many moons, and build engine from time to time. Latest offering has taken the pebble from your hand many times on qualifying sheet.

Ok so you're talking Super Stock, his weight at 3200 puts a 340 car in E or F class. The current records for SS/D-9.07. E-9.24. F-9.33 G-9.46, that's porting the heads, any cam, stock compression any 4 barrel intake and stock factory carb. I'm sure that takes big bucks to massage those parts to the hilt. So if he puts the same money in his 318 (22 ci less) why couldn't he run high nines? For a lot less money 10.70 will be easy. $7500 to port a set of heads and intake, that's 150 hours, likes 10 hours being a month, 8 hours a day for 19 days, somebody's getting ripped.

I was jumping in on the Kung Fu TV show themed banter, was supposed to be funny, guess I shouldn't quit my day job lol.

A 71 340 in an A body will only fit in I, J, or K in Super Stock.

Yep my mistake, looked at it wrong