HCs were avg 700 ppm no acetone (Ford 302 EFI)
Hc with 20% Acetone 500 ppm on rolling dyno 1000rpm loaded engine 65degrees and 29.9"Mb atmos.

How do you figure i explained right down to atomic level how the reaction occurs even down to the electrons in the HCs outer shell, so hows that going around the subject you cant get much more into detail than that???
if you can please explain.
no dancing allowed.

same as surfactant (soaps)breaks surface tension to make water molecules open to grabbing grease and dirt ,the Acetone opened the HC chain to allow it to grab more O2 as it evaporates increasing the mixtures oxidation reaction (burinin BTU).
thats another way of putting it.
or do you need the charge of each valance electron on the chain and its energy level at given pressures and temps. if so just look at your periodic table of elements. hint, H is first one top left