Dom just showing some of whats out there. When we dyno the new engine it will be with my old school 3 circuits on it. But there will be a pair of 7290 Braswells there to. Likely to show me my junk is not making power but we are just building a show polish car afterall.

I have had the privilege of working with some of the Braswell crew and their stuff this year and to get first hand experience with their product. All I can say is wow they are nice. But unfortunately also wow are they pricey too. Also had a chance to spend race weekends with Gary Hansen and found out how much I do not know about a lot of stuff. Spent SCSN with Rick Waters as well, hopefully I can pick up and retain some of the stuff they know.

"I am not ashamed to confess I am ignorant of what I do not know."

"It's never wrong to do the right thing"