Wasn't there so I don't have a horse in this race. Personally from what I have read I think all parties should just use this year as a learning experience. A lot of off the wall things happened some could be prevented some couldn't. First thing I see is the weather could not be helped. Oil downs all the way down the track could. There has to be some very specific rules posted with severe consequences. I know breaks happen but you don't need to spread it the entire track. As for Glidden I think Josh should learn from this. And the learning is that his "CUSTOMERS" didn't like it. Not saying Glidden is a bad guy or it took a long time but it was something that rubbed his customers wrong so learn from it. He didn't know this before so don't hang him for it. He tried something and it did not work out. I am sure he knows that now. If it keeps happening his customer base will walk away. As for the racers they have a responsibility too. They have to understand Josh cannot control the weather. Also they have the responsibility to police their numbers. If they have guys oiling down the whole track they need to make these racers aware that they need to stop their vehicle before it does this. Personally I think it is just growing pains on both sides. Both sides need to realize this and stop making negative comments and saying me me me and work together now to try to iron out the bugs. Doodoo happens. Both sides need to work together so they both don't fall in it. Sorry for the rant.