
Mark. What class were you in??? NSS with a pontiac or a ford???? Or not even racing? Or in box and no-box and lost in the 1st round? Sure you would'nt whine because you either weren't racing or got to race.

Great intellectual statement. Actually, I was a class sponser, and I promise you this weekend cost me more than it cost you. Regardless, it doesn't matter. Unfortunately for you, you don't have to be running a class or a particular brand of car to call out a whiner. Is box/no box the only class you came to run?

So you didn't take advantage of the free food because of YOUR decision, not anyone else. You "thought" they would call your class if you went over there, so YOU decided not to go. That's your fault, not Josh's. Do you know how late the race went on Sunday? When they actually finished? Where is all the outrage and whining about the HOURS and HOURS of lost racing time due to racers not having enough intelligence to pull over and not oil down the entire track? Had those racers done the smart thing and pulled over, there would have most likely been enough time to run everyone. The promoter has NOTHING to do with 6 hours of lost racing time due to cleaning up after irresponsible racers. He did the best he could with what he had to work with, and aside from a few whiners, had an extremely successful show where hundreds and hundreds of racers and fans had a GREAT time.

How exactly did you get screwed, btw? Because you missed out on the free food by your own decision? Because Glidden's one 4 second pass took up the time that no-box could have been racing? I think you would be whining just as much if no-box would have run one more round and you lost. Some people just whine, no matter what.

Oh, and in case you weren't sure, NSS stands for Nostalgic Super Stock, not Nostalgic Mopar Super Stock. It was announced months and months ago that for that particular class, brand x would be allowed. Did the 5 brand x cars in NSS screw your no box class? No, actually it was the Mopars that kept oiling the track down.


Err... just went back and checked the flyer. Box/ no box was free entry when you entered in another class... so how exactly did you get screwed?

Last edited by mark42202; 09/25/12 01:33 PM.