Raff, your situation is a little different on two fronts. First, many have been racing longer than me, but I have been to enough races to know the free race is always the one that will get bumped if there issues with time (weather, oil downs, etc.), so I personally wouldn't travel to ONLY enter in a free race knowing that. Secondly, the guy doing all the whining won Super Pro on Sunday and made to the semis in Pro, yet is complaining that he got screwed because they nixed the free race. Pure and simple, that is complaining just to complain. He didn't get screwed out of anything. He WON one class and took home money in another! There were almost 200 cars in Pro/ Super Pro, yet 99% of them have had nothing but good to say about the race. Why isn't this thread filled with 200 different people complaining about box/ no box getting cancelled? Easy. They know it was a free race, and everyone who won one round got a little cash for their trouble when it got bumped. If his situation was like yours, where he was only coming to mainly run box/no box, I would understand him being a little upset, but would revert back to "you knew it was a free race and could possibly get bumped if time was an issue before you came, so suck it up and don't gamble next time". But that is not the case here. Not even close.

So from what you are saying is that there was 2 separate
races in box and no box... 1 on Saturday and another
completely separate race on Sunday for box and no box...
and the Saturday was a freebie if entered in some
other class.... was there a entry fee for box/no box
on Sunday