
(Or maybe i just get tired of hearing RACERS complain)...are you a racer Mark??? Oh, your a sponser....what sponser...im just curious??? Were you racing at Indy??? Have you ever raced at MMW....

None of your questions have anything to do with this thread, but I will answer anyway. Yes I am a racer. Yes I am a sponsor. No I wasn't racing at Indy. No I haven't raced at MMW yet. But what I race, where I race, who I sponsor, etc., has NOTHING to do with calling it like I see it. As a matter of fact, nothing that you asked above has anything to do at all with what has been posted here. ANY racer who has been around tracks for any period of time has been around racers that complain just to complain. If you haven't, you're probably one of them, lol. For that matter, even if I had never been to track in my life, it wouldn't change the fact that somebody is complaining about a race that was affected by weather and other racers oiling the track down, and blaming the promoter for having to change up the schedule because of those factors, rather than being ticked off at the REAL source of the problem.