
Well if it helps any the Mopars at the Strip race suffers from numerous oil downs most years as well. IN fact I do not attend an event that has MORE issues with this type of thing than it does. The weather also has played a big role the last two years as well.It is just a fact of racing here in the early spring. Just like racing here in the fall. Contrary to what many people think it does get to cold and windy to race here for a large part of the year.

I also agree if you stand your car on the bumper and come down hard pull over..Save all the other racers at the facility from enduring anymore pain than necessary and excercise some common courtesy to your fellow racers and PULL OVER. I never understand why people DONT do this. As for the diaper question, well from my experience it tends to be the slower cars that cause the issues. Still a problem in NHRA as well with stock and SS cars oiling down the track, then again the rest of us HAVE to have one. Even S/ST is required to run a diaper or containment device.

One last tidbit. Let me see if I can get this straight. The complaint here is that a FREE race was not able to finish?!? I dont understand why ANYONE would complain about not getting in a FREE race. What did you loose by not being able to complete a race you did not pay to enter? Im confused. I get that you are dissapointed that you were unable to complete it but, what financial stake did you have? COME ON MAN!!

I think i read the first round winners even got paid

BB, TT5,Procharged 3300lb Street Car 4.79/154