

As a matter of fact I did not go for the free food as I thought as soon as I walked up to the PARTY area for food they would make the call for no-box to the lanes. Once the box/no-Box race was canceled the food was gone.

Ummm..... A quadriplegic could have rolled from where the food was served to the staging lanes in about 30 seconds. Free food, free race......quitcherbichin

Depending on what time you went up to the party for food there was a serious wait.

We waited in line just under an hour from start to finish. We got in line at 7 pm and got the food at just before 8 pm.

Some people got tired of waiting and left the line.

I'm not complaining, hey it was a free dinner with a band playing for entertainment.

I'm just stating that it would be tough for someone waiting for a class call to stand in line that long.
They weren't in the staging lanes they were in the pits waiting for the call.

I was already out of the Gamblers race by then (went to quick and broke out) so waiting around wasn't a problem for me.
After dinner it was time to break out the American Honey.

Dan is a serious racer and he's there to try to win the $$$$.

I know that if he could only try to win money on Sunday he's probably gonna race somewhere else on Saturday where he can try to win the $$$$ and just race Sunday at MMW.

Kayse can't keep up at all now. lol