
Hey Marc,im just wondering...what class will you be in at the spring fling?? I just talked too some friends who said you will probably be in the trophy class...i said no way...hes not ready for that class. He will probably be in the stands telling anyone who will listen that racers are complainers!! And that he is a big sponser of the 10.5 class...all 7 of em. Mark, you are a godsend too MMW...how would this weekend have happened for the past 27 years with out you hot shot....quit being so humble..... once again..looking forward too seeing all the trues at the spring fling.

LMAO, WOW! And you have the nerve to call someone else thin skinned? You just went all 7th grade school girl on me, hahhaaa. Typical though. Putting words in my mouth, I mean. Can you point me to a post where I said I was a big shot? Nope. Can you point me to a post where I said I personally had anything to do with MMW success? Nope. As a matter of fact, after you asked over and over who I sponsored, I told you that I hadn't mentioned it because I DIDN'T feel it was a big deal. But I guess after you asking me over and over who I sponsored, it was just too much for you when I asked you what races you put on and offered to sponsor them. I guess that means your answer is you don't put on races. You sit back and tell everyone else how to run theirs, when you're clueless. I'm sorry you got all butt hurt after telling me to have a thicker skin, then I apparently struck some nerve showing you are about as thin skinned as they come. I guess I see why you sided with the complainers now. Please don't you start crying now, too. And to "attempt" to insult me by making up some junior high-esque story about "talking with your friends" about me running trophy class, lol, I guess they don't have an age limit to join this site, huh? BTW, what class do you race? Keep the insults coming, though. I sure hope you can come up with something better than what you already did. PLEASE don't tell me that drivel was your best shot.

Sorry I made you mad for asking what race you put on. I didn't realize that was such a sore subject for a self-proclaimed know it all such as yourself. So, what car will you have at the Spring Fling. I'm sure we can line them up. You certainly can't be afraid of a "trophy class" car, right? Especially when I'm not ready to even run that class yet, lol. Hahaha, let me know when you stop letting your little sister post for you.