NEVER change the color on a Charger 500 (or Daytona) . The following for the aero cars is so strict that most people who collect them, want the car to be "correct" . Now, if you have a 74 Barracuda and don't like the color, that's a whole different story.
It kind of reminds me of this story. Several years ago, a guy from Texas called me wanting advice about installing A/C in his Superbird.
My advice was simple , "don't do it" .
I told him to roll his windows down, or sell the car to someone that will appreciate the car for what it is . He got pretty mad at me, but that's the way I see it .
If you bought a Picasso painting , and it didn't match the color of your living room wall , would you add a few dabs and swirles of paint so that it looks like what YOU want it to look like ?!
I am all about preserving history instead of altering it , but that's just me.


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