
Don't worry Feet's; firstly, I'm not going to be jacknifed in the middle of the road, and secondly, your little car isn't going to squash me like a grape!

for the record, I have nothing against you building your car as you like with 16" brakes if that's what you choose. The point I'm making is that you don't need that to be safe driving amongst traffic.

I guess you've never seen a travel trailer on it's side after the driver ran over the moron that cut in front of him. The really nasty part is when another car slams into the roof of the overturned pickup. That makes for a nasty mess involving the highway shut down for hours and a visit by the coroner. Needless to say, they weren't home for the holidays.

Properly set up drum brakes will feel great until you get into a car with properly set up dic brakes. Either arrangement will work for the vast majority of the muscle car crowd. For those of us with a more spirited driving style only the discs will do. That doesn't mean we're a nusiance on the highway. I do enjoy playing a bit when there's nobody around.
My daily commute has put me in situations where GOOD brakes saved my bacon. When the guy entered the freeway and hit the left lane between 15 and 20 mph while I was moving along at 65 mph things got... puckery. I was able to slow the hot rod down but couldn't see the guy's tail lights over my hood. That was close. It's also just one of the many idiots I have to deal with on the roads.

We are brothers and sisters doing time on the planet for better or worse. I'll take the better, if you don't mind.
- Stu Harmon