Here is a small update on the charger...

Sub-frame connectors welded in, but not finished. I'm going to do a little clean up grinding...

Floor tunnel almost done. Man, do I suck at panel replacement.

New parts..... A starter that is not the size of a small aircraft carrier, Type II Saginaw steering pump, pulley, and bracket. Lots of fab work is going to be required for the accessorys, and right now I'm searching for a smaller alternator. I'm doing all this to gain room for the turbos...

And I got some seats. I had planed on restoring the factroy seats, but then I got this wild hair to find some late model dodge charger seats... While searching I remembered how much I like the late model GTO seat, plus I always wanted some for my truck... SO....

Just need to get the lame "G T O" off them... lol