I call your

and raise you a

after 9 yrs of

then to haul a dolly with a wig wag 250 miles

tow a truck back,then drive 80 a day for a few days

I wont about it going out,got my $/use out of them

it was only one of them anyways

i am just guessing thats what took it out

its not like i didnt R&R them and keep an eye on them,i swaped gears to T&T/base line/

I had the same mind set from the git go,so I figure 50/50 on it

I got 9 yrs of on the street as a daily driver at 80+ miles a day

granted,swaped gears and killed a chunk along the way

thats my thrust block idea,the wig wag was on the 742 with no thrust block

I ran the 489 with the thrust block for 5 or so yrs..with gear changes

I aksed moser when I got them and they told me the axle would be cut to fit the 489 and run the large brake off set with greens with the thrust block

so IIRC the axle may come up a tad short

i dont know,thats why i bought them and stabed and jabed them in the narrowed houseing they cut to A-body specs with the A-body spec custom alloy axles

so I would with the comments about the mass produced axle not being stock bearing freindly

thats how i know the Doc has the best deal on the greens and seals

dont have to many wackin the seals in either,its a good 12$ to run with out them

which is why I know they seem to seal with only the o-ring

i would like to know more info on tearing the inner seal off a green so it has oil to it

wonder how long the other side is gonna hold oil in

when my one bearing went out,it leaked thru the axle shaft and lower race of the bearing( not the o ring)

so yea,I guess greens are made for us,as in me, a shadetree hickabilly rabid parts changers

run what ya brung..I do..and if you out run it..well,thats cause you can