Go to any local junk yard and you'll find at least 1 8 3/4 axle. Pull the axle and take your new adjuster set with you. You're looking at maybe an hours worth of your time depending on how far away the junk yard is from your house (driving will take most of your time). We expertly remove the bearing retaining collar with a torch. The only reason to need a new adjuster is if someone already messed it up. Has anyone ever seen an adjuster set fail?

The locking tang can still be purchased from places like Year One or The Paddock, or you could up to a couple of years ago. ... the junk yard still has them. And it is a piece you could quickly fab up on your own if you needed to.

Moser did a fine job making correct axles for me that use the standard bearing.

An argument I'm reading is that it takes soooo much longer to setup the tapered compared to the greens. How long does it take to check end play? It takes me longer to locate my tools than to check and adjust end play.

Alot of these "reasons" for not using the stock bearing sound a lot more like "excuses."

I do think the quality of the green bearing has improved over the years. Five or more years ago people couldn't get them to last more than 15 minutes. Just based on the number of failures you read about here it seems like the quality is up. I'd still rather eat fried cat than install them though.