

But I also have a upper and lower hole to mount on the front spring box so how many IC adjustments is that now....

According to me, 4! According to Caltracs & Leaf suspension haters, 0.

If you have two front spring mounts, you have two IC points. The two adjustment holes on the Caltrac bracket, simply change the force applied to the spring, to keep it from wrapping. Unless the pivot point changes, the IC does not. Now if you want to get into "theoretical" ICs, because of suspension movement and spring wrap, that number is huge, but not relavent to the discussion at hand.

As far as a leaf spring and Caltrac hater, no sir, not the case at all. As mentioned, I have used them with great results, when FORCED to do so, but I will stick to the term "crutch" because that is exactly what it is. A leaf spring suspension is a very poor drag race system and every traction bar, Caltrac, Slide-a-link and anything else you can name, has been devised in an attempt to keep the spring from wrapping up and none of these devices do a complete job of it it. So to me, that makes everyone of them a "crutch" to attempt to fix a poor design. The same way an engine girdle, is a "crutch" to try and hold the bottom end of an inferior block together. It does not "enhance" anything, if it did, girdles would also be installed on good blocks. When someone does not embrace the accepted, or the normal around here, they become labeled haters, know it alls, trouble makers, pot stirrers, whatever. No wonder knowledgeable people are leaving in droves. Mr. Irons, a person I do not know and have never met, is not the most popular on this site, from some of the things I have read, so it does not surprise me, that something he has engineered is not being welcomed with open arms. The Alter-K-tion front on the other hand, while admittedly a VERY nice piece, is NOT cheap either, yet gets rave reviews from nearly everyone. Can we not be as open minded about the rear of the car as we seem to be about the front.
