Brian, when you move that curved wall, do you make it more "S" shaped(scallop out more as you get closer to the bowl), or leave it pretty straight, and just move it over?

as for the slope of the much of the angle would you say you eliminate?
1/2 of it? 3/4 of it? all of it?

the way i see the roof, with the head upside down, looking into the intake runner, the roof slopes down away from the straight wall.
but, way up by the guide, its also slopes away from the curved wall, leaving somewhat of a peak in the roof just before the guide boss.

when you carve out that curved wall, do you take it out all the way to the roof?
do you leave the roof as is on the curved side, or do you flatten it out(as in, raise it adjacent to the guide boss to diminish the "peak")?

i understand what you're saying about the short turn, and thats actually one of the shapes i tried.....but i was still getting some turbulence.
Brian is saying the pinch area is a player for how the short turn behaves at high lifts with these heads. i have a set in the shop now that were previously ported by??? and i'm trying to fix them.
frankly.....if i can get them to be pretty steady at .650 lift without losing a bunch of flow.....i'll probably leave them like that.
how you got the ones you're working on to be steady at .700 is what i'm shooting for on these.
this set has already had the chamber walls pushed out some, which frankly i dont think is helping at the high lifts.

Brain, one more your pics, it looks like the short turn, on the straight wall side, has been pulled back some.
as cast, these heads seem to have the short turn biased towards the curved wall....and it looks like you're kind of going the other way.....or am i not seeing it right??

Jeff, this set of heads i'm working with now has had the intake valves lowered at least .025.
i mean....these things sure "look", and feel(at the short turn) like they would be good right up past .700 lift......but they're just weak from .500 and up.

68 Satellite, 383 with stock 906’s, 3550lbs, 11.18@123
Dealer for Comp Cams/Indy Heads