


You have to realize, if we could explain to you what to do, everyone could port heads. Porting takes so many years of trial and error, just imagine if someone could explain how to be a NINJA with a few simple words!!!!
It can't be done. Sorry, but that's a fact.


You have to realize that i realize that. sorry that I didnt make myself clear. What i meant was is the shortturn so bad from e-brock so you have to do something to it just to make it ok.
I am no complete idiot.

I sure didn't mean to sound like I thought you were an idiot! Sorry if you took it that way. I was trying to lighten the situation up a bit that's all.
I can tell you this, the short turn will end up looking like it would not work at all. But it will.
Just be carefull you dont go too far with it!
I'll post a mold I did of the stock port tomorrow nite so you can see what I mean. Infact the whole floor can be lowered quite a bit...