Ok! Making serious progress here!
I just did the bypass test and did it properly this time with the wires connected to the resistor and power from the battery hooked up directly! See image for numbers!
With the bypass in place the voltage is looking good at the battery!!!
It seems to work with just one power wire installed on either side of the resistor! Do both sides have to be hooked up because there is a small difference in voltage when I'm feeding power from the battery directly to the left vs right side of the isolator but it's not a huge difference!
I'm going to wire up some bypass wires temporarily so that I can at least drive!
Btw the test was done after warming the engine and the numbers didn't change or fluctuate when increasing the rpm's!
So does this mean it's definitely a bad connection or bad cable somewhere? Could it still be the vr or maybe something with the ignition?

Latest bypass test