Originally Posted by ChryCoGuy
I'm sure the new trucks are fine, and do their intended jobs very well (and they should given the decades of evolution and technology that are to their advantage). I'm just disappointed in all of the companies that they have turned pickups into expensive monsters when they really don't have to be. For example, put today's technology into a package that looks like and is the same size as a 1975 Dodge pickup, and you'd be there, IMHO.

I mean, does it really need to be the size of 2 football fields? Does it need to weigh 7000 lbs? Does it need to be so high that you have to build ladders into the tailgate just to load the darn thing? Does it need to cost $70K?

Pickups today seem to be more about image and excess (more capacity than most will ever use or need) than just about being a truck... but that's just one man's opinion.

New trucks are way too big for me also. Many people don't need really these new quad cab 2500 series trucks unless they have a job that requires it. People buy/lease them for a few years and turn them back in without ever towing anything, or using the bed.

I think people buy big pickups as they are easier to see ahead of people in traffic vs a lower to the ground car, and they hold their value better than the contemporary crop of disposable cars out there.