A truck is an appliance to be used to tow, haul, and be of use other than a glorified SUV.

Of the four TRX trucks around me 3 have been clean one time since built...it was when built. They pull cattle trailers, feed, hay, run down dirt (not gravel) roads, muddy fields just like all the other farm trucks in the area.

Many TRX owners just dont want to hurt the trucks value but some work them pretty hard and have the truck because it is workable and bad ass fun to drive.

Really how many trucks in general sold today never see more then soccer mom type use? How many 4x4 trucks on the road that never use or need that feature? There are many many trucks of all brands like this around here simply because "Farmers" and there wives dont drive cars ever with the exception of Sunday AM service. I will snap a pic this week.... when I go to the local store it looks like a new truck lot.