Originally Posted by moparmojo
Personally I don’t get all the hate for EVs.

I don’t have an issue with EVs as long as they can do the job. The infrastructure is slowly getting there.

But those two items are the very issues. They simply cannot even come close to doing the job that the ICE powered trucks can do, and the only infrastructure that is slowly getting there are the charging points. And we are far, far away from having enough of them. Besides the fact that there in not nearly enough generating capacity being added to cope with the additional demand.

Have you watched ANY of the real world Utube videos by battery truck owners? It is not a pretty picture.

What you confuse as 'hatred' for the EVs, is in reality a recognition that the government is shoving them down out throats before they are ready for most of us. Or that the country is ready for them. Simple as that. EVs (most especially trucks) do not make sense for the vast majority of Americans. And won't for the foreseeable future. At least 25% of early adopters of EVs go back to ICE. That percentage is likely to be even higher with battery truck buyers.

Right now, the battery trucks are a novelty. Although it is possible they may be able to find some niches somewhere. They may even be ready for prime time some day. But not today and not for a very long time.

Master, again and still