Many are used as farm trucks around here. Mine is not, in fact ive hardly driven it but will at some point.

I dont fault the guy going ELE. Weather the OP or anyone its there money and thats that. I do see many complain about things in life that at the end of the day is the result of the choices they made and only fall on them vs an outside source used as an excuse to cover there faulty decision making.

Originally Posted by chargervert
Originally Posted by Mr PotatoHead
For that money buy a TRX, you will never be sorry.

Best advice ever! My friend loves his so much, he bought a second one! You should cancel that PC order for the stupid EV and get one of these while you still can,or before my friend buys all of them, which ever comes first! Potato is right they will start making real vehicles once they figure out that going woke makes them go broke!