Originally Posted by blackcat1

[b][/b]If you have a truck with a conventional, non unibody frame and an accident has caused the frame to bend or buckle you will likely need the frame to be replaced. Frame swaps or frame change outs are very large, time consuming jobs and can only be performed by professionals with the proper equipment and know how.

Blackcat 1, yes, I agree, it would be better to replace a badly bent or buckled frame then it would be to straighten it, depending on how badly it was bent. Frames have successfully been straightened for many years.

I also agree that frame swaps or change outs are large, time consuming jobs. I believe they can be performed by many people that are not professionals. It requires a lot of thought, a lot of measurements, and it requires some specific skills and specific equipment.

Lots of frames have been changed out and many have even been modified successfully by many members here that are not "professionals". Someone calling themselves a professional, even if they have a piece of paper backing them up, doesn't mean they are more qualified then every person that doesn't work in a specific occupation. I've seen a lot of card caring professionals screw up a lot of stuff because they didn't know what they were doing.