While the route on Day one mainly kept us on 4 lane Highways, Day 2 sent us on some smaller 2 lane roads. While I was looking over the route sheet, Joel asks me where the first stop was, and what were we looking for? "Says it's a Loves gas station, about 90 miles away." Thinking to myself, that's probably the most boring check point they could have found. We have stopped at some interesting roadside attractions over the years, and this was going to the bottom of the "interesting" list for sure. While in route, we caught up to some other Drag Week cars, and they obviously were members of the 50-55mph club. The Coupe isn't happy running 50-55mph. That requires being in 4th gear, and with the T56 Magnum being faceplated first through forth gear, it leaves a lot of slack in the transmission. It works perfect under wide open throttle, but under part throttle, the slack makes the car jerk around quite a bit. With fifth, and sixth gear fully synchronized, they do not have that problem. "First chance I can get, I'm passing these guys" Joel tells me. "OK". As a safe spot open up, so do the Eight Holley 94 two barrels. We go around the first car about 70-75 mph, and Joel backs it down to around 63mph. The Coupe is running decent. Oil pressure looks good at 70lbs, water temp is around 150*, and oil temp is 170*. It's actually a very nice day out, and THIS was the nice part of Drag Week. I mean what could be cooler for a gearhead? Cruising in a old school Hot Rod, with a 392 HEMI stuff in it, and to make it even more wild, 8 carburetors sitting on top of it? We approach a couple more 55mph club members of Drag Week. Both pulling trailers. "You'll get around one if your lucky, but we have a turn coming up in a couple miles." I told Joel. A safe spot open up, With a loud CLANK, Joel shift the T56 into 4th gear, and opens the HEMI up once again. He wasn't having anything to do with just passing one car, he was going around both of them. As we were coming up to the second car, I glanced at the GPS speedometer on Joel's phone, and it said we were doing 94mph. We went around both cars like they were tied to a tree. They just gave us a thumbs up, as we waved when we blew by them. A few miles up ahead, we were stopped by a train, and the cars we had quickly passed, were right behind us. A few people used the time to get out of their cars and stretch out. Our first check point wasn't too far away at this point. I still can't believe they were having us go to a Loves gas station. "We'll get gas there." Joel said. When we got there we could see how much gas we had used, and calculate how much we would need for the remaining 200 miles. With the train finally passed, we were once again on the move. "Gas station is on your left Joel". "OK, I see it." We roll up to the gas pump, and get out. Right behind us another Drag Weeker pulled up to the pump next to us. I hear Joel, "TONY! How are you doing?" Tony McDonald was also running in the Hot Rod class in his very cool 38 Dodge pickup, powered by a 340 Mopar with a 5 speed trans. Joel and Tony, have known each other through the H.A.M.B. (Hokey A$$ Message Board). "Tony tells Joel that when he was behind us, he was getting something sprayed on his windshield?

Oh, oh... Wonder what that is?


69 GTX 68 Road Runner