The SP 500 is still over 2900 it was just overbought and will probably be over 3000 at the end of the year. A 10-15 % correction isn't uncommon it's just now since the point loss is high people get scared and the percentage isn't terrible. I put in low limit orders in that hit this week so I ended up buying $45,000 more @ sale prices and still have some too low that might not ever get filled. Kinda like low balling a car dealer bid low and see if they get desperate enough to sell. Limit orders can be good for 60 days It doesn't cost anything if your price is too low to buy (no sale) but if you get it at a price you're willing to pay great. Look at the move today you can't time that. They're not going to let this market crash in an election year.

History shows if you sell by the time you feel safe enough to buy again you will be buying it higher than you sold it for.
