Originally Posted by second 70
Big 3 automakers and Tesla shutting down

Circuit breaker again

Yesterday there were talking about reducing production... which makes sense given the lack of people going anywhere.
Today I noticed how they all announced they were shutting down at the tail end of the Free Money for everybody press conference.

Markets don't generally like a WIDE OPEN spigot money policy.
They tried that in 2008 with TARP, and markets responded by dropping another 5-6k points.

Good time for American's to buy their classic cars back from the Australians who scooped them up a few years back.
Ausi & Canadian dollars aren't worth much right now (high $0.50's-low $0.60's) ... even the British pound is down to $1.15

Also notice the 10yr & 30yr yields heading upwards (despite Fed moves) as buyers dried up after the massive spending announcements.

Meanwhile millennial's still down in FL doing body shots, & the plain old flu kills another 20-30k, but no one cares
Interesting times...