This is the exact reason why I quit posting on this forum many years ago. I asked generic questions when I was restoring my Charger in the A12 restoration section like what color was certain suspension and I got my head darn near chopped off by people like you ! That decal is a generic decal for the E bodies....ALL E bodies! That decal is NOT specific to AARs only ! Period ! It doesn't matter if it was an AAR, a six cylinder challenger, a cuda convertible, whatever. The way you were conveying it makes it sound like the AARs had a special decal where that is completely false.

As for "defending" Dave. I'd do it for anyone else who is right ! Be it Dave, or anyone else who is being steered wrong by people.

Anyways, if Dave did have an original trunk decal off an AAR that proved something contrary to what you have found, he is no longer able to post so I guess its all a mute point now.