Originally Posted By resq302

Very nice to see that you did not post a picture of a reproduction and claim that it was an original.

I would never use a "reproduction" item to try and substantiate anything original.  I want to point out a couple of things that usually occur when individuals research only one type of vehicle in their quest for documenting information.  By not documenting cars outside of their passion or interest, they incorrectly convey opinions about what they think is correct versus incorrect.  They automatically assume that something must not be original because if they have "never seen one like that on an untouched car before" it must not exist!   That's the way history is re-written and erroneous features are expressed to the Hobby.  A person's knowledge or lack of, is not proof that anything is or is not original. 

Another problem is when people put a vehicle on a pedestal and enter their research with a mindset of finding "special" characteristics that support their grandiose view of a particular model car.  The statement "this question was about a sticker for an AAR" is a perfect example.  There was not a different Jacking Instruction between an AAR or a Slant Six Barracuda.  Nothing about an AAR would have required that the Jacking Instructions Decal illustrate anything different in the way the vehicle was jacked up or the way the Spare Tire was re-installed.  The Jacking Instructions were the same on all E Body cars. The only differences were between the versions that progressed throughout the years.