Tried replying last night, but I guess it timed out when I had to go wrangle Willie for bedtime... grrrrr... ANYWAY, I'm glad to help, Daty. No hurry on the relo pics, that's not one of my priority projects.

Regarding the electric fan, though, although you didn't ask, I'll throw this little tidbit out there. I'm going to be using a fan controller from Delta Current Control. Their web site is set up in crappy frames, so click on "Components", and then scroll down to the bottom to see the unit. Basically controls voltage to the fan, so the start-up current spike is tiny, and runs the fan at varying speeds all the time to maintain rock-solid engine temps at a level YOU select. Pretty dang cool, and they've got a great reputation with the folks over on the web site. It's only money, right?
