
Is it possible the center link is flipped? I'm not defending the Borgeson, just can't see how the box could be that far off unless the shaft was flat out indexed wrong during assembly. IIRC the shaft is cut with 4 master splines as well. Another thing I don't get is if your sure the box is defective, why the fear of sending it back?

Center link is not flipped. As noted earlier, replaced FF box aligned well with no issues.

I do not wish to remove and send back and leave car torn down in the garage for several weeks awaiting a replacement.

Do not wish to have faulty box(if truly so) repaired. Any repair would likely require a re-welding. Some folks have even expressed alarm of any welding on a steering box, as it done to adapt these boxes to differing autos.

I do not wish to put out the cash for another box and own two of them. I have already put out at least 1,300 dollars(including labor). Do not want to have 2,000 dollars into a replacement for FF box that I had budgeted for 1,000 dollars.

I believe that if the supplier is at error(which is still an open question,,,this is the purpose of my posting,,,to determine if any other cause could be the problem,,,the reason that I had asked that Borgeson, Bergman, and my technician engage in a conference call), that the the supplier accommodate my request to forward a replacement box with me providing a CC number as a deposit to ensure return of likely at this time defective box.

In the American way, seems a good compromise if supplier screw up, not user error.

So far I have heard nothing that can argue with the photos that I have submitted to suggest other than a box out of spec,,,but as noted earlier on in suspensions, my expertise is limited.

The truth be known however as I do not completely trust the car's steering, I will likely be forced to buy another box and hope for the best on a fair analyses by Borgeson on the one I return and a proper refund.

It will be interesting to 'jig' both boxes up side by side to see how they compare.

As an aside, I do see references in other postings of 'shimming' of boxes. Does this mean what I think that it does,,,shimming the box to accommodate out of kilter boxes, or is for out of kilter 'K' members?

It has been suggested that pitman shaft mis-machined. This was my initial thought,,,see my first post on this thread. However when pulling steering shaft to replace ignition switch, I had paid particular note to the angle the shaft makes going into the coupler, hence the photos and new theory.

Last edited by Sxrxrnr; 09/23/14 10:37 PM.