
Is it possible the center link is flipped? I'm not defending the Borgeson, just can't see how the box could be that far off unless the shaft was flat out indexed wrong during assembly. IIRC the shaft is cut with 4 master splines as well. Another thing I don't get is if your sure the box is defective, why the fear of sending it back?

Bummer they didn't cut the output shaft without the master splines. Then you could move it to where you want.

But then you will have install problems with people putting the pitman in the wrong spot. Catch 22.

A little off topic...Bummer with Chrysler output shafts is they don't have a defined ridge for the pitman to clamp against. Instead they just rely on the taper of the splines for the pitman to wedge against. That's a tougher replicate and doesn't allow for much precision. But it's cheaper to make originally.

Fall Fling 28 October 19, 2024 at Woodley Park, Van Nuys CA
300+ Mopars, 125+ swap, midway, Friday Malibu cruise,