

It's a shame that there is not an easy way to record A/F and RPM and then display in graph form. When you see the info spread out in a graph, it is much more useable. The details and trends become apparent.

The LM-1, though a bit clunky, was the best at this that I have seen. But apparently the newer versions have not worked as well.

For anyone looking to start tuning with a wide band, I would strongly suggest getting a combo with at least A/F and RPM recording ability.

My LM-2 has worked great and LogWorks displays the recordings as a chart. If I knew how to take a screen shot with windows 7 or 8 I'd post a graph.

WHEN the LM-2 works, it has been great. But there have been a lot of issues with it. So many that Innovate took the Tuner page down.

Is the page back up yet? Have they for sure got the problems resolved with the LM-2? If so, then it should be the "go-to" unit for tuning.

Master, again and still