Nice Job!
Creep up on it one jet at a time since this change is affecting most of your cruising readings.

Idle in D: Low 14's (If you have your strongest vacuum reading, then this is good)
Light Accel: 11.6-13.6 (Rich 2000-3000rpms= Leaner main jet)
40-60mph Cruise: 13.1-14.0 (Try leaning it out a little more to find your lean limit = Leaner main jet)

Leaning out the main jet will lean out your light accel and every reading the rest of the way up the rpm range. Your carb appears to be setup to cruise using the main circuit. Some do and some cruise on the transition into the main circuit. Now that you know, it will make your cruising tuning easier.

Once you know what your strongest vacuum reading is in D, then as the outside temps changes, then tweak the front two metering screws to keep you in that range through out the year.

1970 YO7 A66 [Canadian Export] F8 Challenger
340 (Currently in shop for stroker assy.)