we support every Mopar race that we can attend,sometimes we go long distances with anywhere from 5 to 25 cars along with friends and family in tow.We will continue to do so as long as we feel the promoter is fair and honest.Those who ask valid questions or express honest concerns dreserve answers.All the other BS just clouds the issues.It's hard to deal with the issues in a constructive manner with all the,BS,double talk,and pissing matches thrown in.
I don't post much on the "other sites" but read some of the comments posted there and when those people bring it here and try and change their meaning when questioned.That anyone would say that all Mopar racers are whiners and complainers,then they should look at the words they choose to respond and apply the same logic to themselfs.
Admittedly a lot of what said is meaningless but a few have tried to ask legitimate questions and offer helpfull suggestions,the sad part is lost in the BS.But I guess it's like wading through a shitz flooded basement to unplug the drain.In the end it will all clean up,wash off and hopefully we can all come out smelling like roses.