
...Installed the dowels so that the bell housing moved downward .007 and my runout was no more than .002 top to bottom and within .001 side to side...

You moved the bellhousing down? From your initial readings I would have thought you would move it up. With a '0' at the top and '-16' at the bottom, to get a reading in the negative direction the bell has to be moving away from the dial.

But your final numbers are right on the money. 0.002 top to bottom is 0.001 off center and starting out with 0.008 off center, 0.007 dowels gives you 0.001 off center. Likewise with the side readings, they haven't changed. Congratulations! Next time it'll be easier.

"We live in a time when intelligent people are being silenced so that stupid people won't be offended".