
Today Owen had a radiation simulation. That's where they set up all the machinery so they know exactly where to focus the radiation.

Owen woke up from sedation very angry today. Hopefully they can adjust the medication so that doesn't happen every day. He was still very upset an hour after he woke up. We had to quickly find a restroom to hide out in because he was screaming in the hallway. That was very embarracing. We accually missed our last apointment because he wasn't calming down.

Hey Darren,

so sorry to hear that the medication is having side effects.

I know how hard it can be to deal with that kind of behaviour (not for the same reasons) and I agree with the other comments, that there is nothing to be embarassed about.

We have had issues with our son acting out etc, and it used to bother me, but now that we understand it, I could care less what other people think. When he is being "difficult" out in public, I do my best to calm him down, using different strategies, and if people look or stare I say screw em.

I understand that this is a difficult time for you, and you have a lot to deal with...but please please do not be embarrsed by it or Owen's behavious, its a disease or the medication. This is just my opinion, but I have learned quickly over the last year, that others people opions do not matter, they have no right to judge you, or your son's behaviour based on what they see.

So I echo what was said above, please do not be embarassed, work with your beatiful little son, try to calm him down and do not worry about who is watching or starring (I let the world fall away in these situations, and it is just me and my son, nothing else matters).

As far as stratagies for calming him down, try anything he likes, we use and ipad quite often (he loves various games) or music, with head phones if he wants (who cares if he walks around with haed phones on) or hot wheels (I wish my son liked them as much as Owen) what ever works.

My apologies for the long winded post.

We are all pulling for Owwn, you and mom.

All the best,
