
Owen had a good day yesterday. He is more alert all the time. His eyes seem to be improoving too. He's moving around more in bed and saying he wants to go home.

Yesterday wasn't a good day for me however. I was still feeling good about the surgery in the morning until the Oncology people came in to introduce themselves. I'm not ready to think about that. I pretty much tried to sleep the entire day.

It looks like Owen might go back into surgery tomorrow to install a permanent shunt in his head. They usually want to keep people in the ICU for a day just to make sure everything is working properly before being moved to the main floor.

With the shunt, he probably won't be able to play football or go out for wrestling. Going on roller coasters probably is a no no as well.

Hang in there Dad, but don't hold all the stress in either - find a way to let it out, even if it is just spending a while by yourself with a good cry.

No football or roller-coasters will be a small price to pay.